luni, 8 decembrie 2008
Meet Mrs. Ni
Se intampla deseori sa vrei sa incepi ceva nou. Am incercat acest ineput de atatea ori incat a ajuns la un moment dat sa spun Stop!. Ehh, dar acum acel ceva mult dorit s`a materializat. In sfarsit a aparut Mrs. Ni. Cine e Mrs. Ni? E my sweet confident. E exact lucrul cu care in copilarie vorbesti ore in sir. Vrei sa iti dea sfaturi, dar e doar o jucarie de plus sau un prieten imaginar. Mrs. Ni is my imaginary friend.

E draguta, e verde, ii place apa, mananca doar lucrurile mele negative si incearca sa ma schimbe. E cute si chiar vreau sa o cunoasteti si voi.

Vreau sa dorm si sa incerc sa arunc din greseli.

speeh less....


posted by Niniveh @ 02:39  
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Locația: Timisoara, Romania

Not welcome

Udah Lewat
Say what?

Never argue with an idiot. The people watching might not know the difference

Do belive

I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong? (Willie Nelson).

Best quote

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

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